"No Pa should ever feel unloved"
To make sure that every time Pa arrives home from work, sits down after a long task, or wakes up in the morning, he knows that we really love him a whole lot too (even though we spend most of our days with Ma).
Action Points:
*When we hear the truck coming down the driveway, run to the sliding glass door and commence hysterical tail wagging.
*Followed by offering ourselves up to be held, patted, and otherwise adored.
*As soon a Pa sits down on the couch, ask politely to get up, then shower him with kisses (as pictured above).
*When Pa goes out to gather wood, ring the doorbell incessantly so he knows we want to go out with him so bad.
*Ask to play "chase" and "tackle" at least once a day.
Founding Members:
Chester and Caroline
We, two adorable Bichons, do solemnly swear to, as best within us lies, daily endeavor to be sure that our Pa knows we love him.
What can I say? We just give, and give, and give!